Probably one of the best cat videos I’ve seen in a bit.
302The payoff is at the end! I assume [probably like the art on sale] they just don’t quite ‘get it.’
300Some crazy Italians built this. I don’t know what subatomic particle accelerators are or why you would put them into a hifi chain. All pretty baffling really but have a read anyhow. Apparently this room can produce good 10Hz subbass. I’d like to try it out.
292So a while ago I posted a utube of Casablanca by Mzo Bullet. That track was made sometime quite a while ago and never released internationally, apparently there were only a very few while labels that got outside of SA. Anyhow not long after I posted that I found out that it was actually coming out on a european label. It did around christmas and I’ve bought the 12! So good to have real on vinyl [despite a really horrible Hot City remix on the other side]. Anyhow this is the next utube track that needs to be found and have another release: track 6 just before No Way Back.
285Slideshow of some crazy Californian skydivers; some really great photographs: