Still live internet archive find: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/ayianapa2001/
Old thoughts of future I guess stuck in paradigms. Part of recently public domain’ed British Library stuff
649So a while ago I posted a utube of Casablanca by Mzo Bullet. That track was made sometime quite a while ago and never released internationally, apparently there were only a very few while labels that got outside of SA. Anyhow not long after I posted that I found out that it was actually coming out on a european label. It did around christmas and I’ve bought the 12! So good to have real on vinyl [despite a really horrible Hot City remix on the other side]. Anyhow this is the next utube track that needs to be found and have another release: track 6 just before No Way Back.
285Stoat’s Mill Flour packaging. I am interested in the conservation of graphic design in the way this packaging preserves the traditions of this Mill.
118In 1977 NASA made the Voyager Golden Record, which was an actual gold record, and put it in a space probe. The record was clearly designed to confuse aliens who will have no idea what to make of any of the record’s content. However as a human you can see the record on the net, and it is a quite beautiful ode to humanity