Unclear Holocaust from anti banality on Vimeo.
Excellent work.
605I wish I went to Harvard so I could have gone to Wayne & Wax’s class. He is a great academic [if that word is ok] and recent reading on his blog about montage as a analytical tool have been v interesting.
More people should read his blog to make the world a better place, so try these links and start from there [if u want]:
540CUT/CHOP/COOK from Southern Foodways on Vimeo.
To Live and Die in Avoyelles Parish from Southern Foodways on Vimeo.
538{The last grab is an scene that I remembered my whole life [since I watched the film as a child] and never could find}
518Novara: Series 2, Episode 3 – The Refusal of Work, Post-Fordist Subjectivity and Beverly Hills Cop 2 – July 17th 2012 by Resonance FM
Truly Essential
513Jailbroke my kindle today for the custom screensavers. So easy and so worth it lol.